Word Processing Generator
The Word Processing Generator interface allows for the entry of information in various areas of the Legal industry. The system allows for a customised environment of defined precedents and information created for your Firm OR allow Comparto to design a system for you. Examples of the different systems that can be defined include:

Using the unique file number created within Legal Accounting, additional details are entered into the relevant system, precedents are defined and the details from the WPG system and the defined precedent are merged into Microsoft Word allowing you to edit and check.

All documents are created based on a particular product. Ie. Wills, Estates, Conveyancing, Leases, Probate etc
As noted, the matter number defined in Legal Accounting is the file reference used for the Word Processing documents. All information pertaining to the Client, Matter and other attributes are automatically imported saving you time and increasing productivity.
The WPG system has the ability to manage and merge precedents that are defined with merge codes linking to the data entered on the various forms. The precedents for various products are managed in this way. The WPG system also includes a workflow feature for Conveyancing allowing you to assign staff and due dates to tasks and critical dates. Various reports including merged information can be generated from within the system easily identifying items that have not been completed.
Contact Comparto to arrange a demonstration of the Word Processing Generator software today.