Legal Accounting
The Comparto Legal Accounting system is the basis of ALL software within the Comparto suite. A unique number is allocated to every client and file created within the Legal Accounting software. These unique numbers follow the file throughout all the subsequent systems within the Comparto suite.
The Legal Accounting system is a comprehensive system including the following functions, all managed by independent user access control settings.

- Client Register
- Matter Register
- Security Packet Register
- Investment Register
- Current & archived file register
- Bring up & Diary system
- Photocopier & PABX interface facilities
- Word Processing interface (Bills, Account Rendered etc)
- Time costing system
- User Access Control
- Service company
- Billing & Disbursement recording
- Account Rendered system
- Trust Accounting
- Management reporting
- Budgeting of Professional Fees
- Banking, Bank Reconciliation & cashbooks
- Multiple bank accounts
- Financial accounting
- Reporting – GST, Balance sheet, Trial balance
- Advanced General Ledger
Contact Comparto today for a demonstration of the the Comparto Legal Accounting system OR send us an email.